Catechism of the Catholic Church

678 Part Four In committing ourselves to [Christ], we can become one spirit with him, and thereby accomplish his will, in suchwise that it will be perfect on earth as it is in heaven. 106 Consider how [Jesus Christ] teaches us to be humble, by making us see that our virtue does not depend on our work alone but on grace from on high. He commands each of the faithful who prays to do so universally, for the whole world. For he did not say “thy will be done in me or in us,” but “on earth,” the whole earth, so that error may be banished from it, truth take root in it, all vice be destroyed on it, virtue flourish on it, and earth no longer differ from heaven. 107 2826 By prayer we can discern “what is the will of God” and obtain the endurance to do it. 108 Jesus teaches us that one enters the kingdom of heaven not by speaking words, but by doing “the will of my Father in heaven.” 109 2827 “If any one is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.” 110 Such is the power of the Church’s prayer in the name of her Lord, above all in the Eucharist. Her prayer is also a communion of intercession with the all-holy Mother of God 111 and all the saints who have been pleasing to the Lord because they willed his will alone: It would not be inconsistent with the truth to understand the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” to mean: “in the Church as in our Lord Jesus Christ himself”; or “in the Bride who has been betrothed, just as in the Bridegroom who has accomplished the will of the Fa­ ther.” 112 106 Origen, De orat. 26: PG 11, 501B. 107 St. John Chrysostom, Hom. in Mt. 19, 5: PG 57, 280. 108 Rom 12:2; cf. Eph 5:17; cf. Heb 10:36. 109 Mt 7:21. 110 Jn 9:31; cf. 1 Jn 5:14. 111 Cf. Lk 1:38, 49. 112 St. Augustine, De serm. Dom. 2, 6, 24: PL 34, 1279. 2611 796