Catechism of the Catholic Church

820 Index of creatures cooperating with God, 306‑08 equal dignity of a man and a woman, 2393 manifested in moral life, 1706 requires man to act out of conscience and free choice, 2339 right to exercise freedom as a requirement inseparable from, 1738 as the source of human rights, 1930 wounded by sin, 1487 equality and diversity of men all men have the same nature and the same origin and end, 1934 diversity of talent, 1936‑37 human dignity as the foundation of equality, 1935, 1945 unjust inequalities, 1938 in the image and likeness of God before and after Christ’s Redemption, 1701 created in God’s image, 225, 356‑61, 1702, 2713 restoration of likeness with God, 705, 2809 man and humanity mutual need of all men, 361, 1947‑48 origin and common end of humanity, 842 unity of the human race, 360 man and vocation call to enter the Kingdom, 543 eternal life, 1998 form the new people of God, 804, 831 God as the common call of all men, 1878 life in the Holy Spirit, 1699 love, 1604 marriage, 1603 union with Christ, 521, 542 divine call as the ultimate call, 1260 See also Vocation man in creation creatures’ interdependence willed by God, 340 God creates everything for man, 358 hierarchy of creatures, 342 laws of creation must be respected by man, 346 man as the only creature worthy to receive a law from God, 1951 man’s importance in creation, 343, 355 man’s respect for creatures, 339 man’s responsibility for the world, 373 original harmony, 374‑79, 384 man as a creature created by God’s love, 1, 315, 1604 created to know and love God and to serve Him, 358 endowed with intelligence and free will, 311, 396 endowed with reason, 1704 made of body and soul, 327, 355, 362‑65, 383 “Male and female he created them,” 1605, 2203, 2331, 2334 was created good, 374 man’s special features and his ways of acting always fighting with evil, 409 comes to a knowledge of God by knowing nature, 32, 46 desires happiness, 1718 gifted with freedom as a sign of the divine image, 1705, 1730 reason and will to seek and love what is true and good, 1704 a spiritual and immortal soul, 1703 led naturally toward the truth, 2467 listens to the voice of conscience, 1706, 1713 moved to do good, 1706‑07 in need of divine help and salvation, 1949, 2090 in need of social life, 1879‑80 perfections resonating something of the infinite perfection of God, 370 as a religious being, 28, 44‑45 tending naturally toward the virtues, 1803‑04 See also Sexuality