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414 • Part III. Christian Morality: The Faith Lived


l. How can we best show respect for human sexuality in the light of a

culture that demeans it? What are the ways of reversing the degrada-

tion of sexuality?

2. Why is marital fidelity so important for the stability of the family

and society? What spiritual means does the Church offer to strength-

en marriages or rebuild troubled marriages?

3. How does Pope John Paul II’s theology of the body help you to

appreciate the beauty of the gift of sexuality and its integration into

your life?


• God is the author of marriage and the family. The Sacrament of

Marriage, along with the Fourth, Sixth and Ninth Commandments,

illustrate the principal ways in which God’s plan for marriage and

the family is to be lived.

• The Sixth Commandment summons the spouses to practice perma-

nent and exclusive fidelity to one another. God established marriage

as a reflection of his fidelity to us.

• The Sixth Commandment forbids adultery, which is sexual relations

between a married person and someone other than one’s spouse.

• Chastity integrates bodily sexuality within the broader human real-

ity. It approaches sexuality as related to our spiritual natures so that

sexuality is seen as more than a physical act. Sexuality affects the

whole person because of the unity of body and soul. Jesus is the

model of chastity. Every person is called to chastity according to

one’s state in life.

• “Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, forni-

cation, pornography, and homosexual practices” (CCC, no. 2396).

• God calls married couples to grow continually in unitive love and

fidelity so that they are no longer two but one flesh. Their mutual self-

giving is strengthened and blessed by Jesus Christ in the Sacrament