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508 • Conclusion and Appendices

Spirit, which seals and confirms the

baptized in union with Christ and

calls them to greater participation

in the worship and apostolic life of

the Church.


The practical judg-

ment about the moral quality of

particular humans acts as well as

the inner ability to make such

a judgment.



prayer in which a person focuses

the whole person in loving adora-

tion on God and his very presence.


Sorrow for sin

with a firm purpose of amendment,

which is the intention to avoid sin

in the future. Contrition is imper-

fect when a person is motivated

by fear of punishment. Contrition

is perfect when the motive is a

response to God’s love for us.

Contrition on the part of the peni-

tent, either imperfect or perfect, is a

necessary part of the Sacrament of

Penance and Reconciliation.


These are charitable actions by

which we help our neighbors in

their bodily needs. The corpo-

ral (bodily) works of mercy are

to feed the hungry, give drink

to the thirsty, shelter the home-

less, clothe the naked, visit the

sick, visit the prisoners, bury the

dead, and give alms to the poor.


A solemn agreement

made between people or between

God and a person or persons. In

the Old Testament, God established

covenants with Noah, Abraham,

and Moses. The Prophets prepared

people for the new and eternal

covenant established by Jesus

Christ. Marriage is a covenant of

life and love.


God—Father, Son,

Holy Spirit—out of love for us

made the world out of nothing,

wanting to share divine life and

love with us. The original creation

became a new creation in

Jesus Christ.


This term comes from

the Latin word


, meaning

“I believe.” It is used to refer to a

statement of belief.


The Church

permits cremation (the burning

of a deceased human body into

ashes), provided that it does not

demonstrate a denial of faith in the

resurrection of the body” (CCC, no.

2301). In cases where cremation

is planned, the Church counsels

that the body should be present for

the funeral. On March 21, 1997,

in response to a request from the