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Index • 625

“firmly, faithfully and without error,

teach that truth which God, for

the sake of our salvation, wished

to see confided”: 30

God as author: 26-27, 31-32

God’s words as put into human

words: 26-27, 31-32

Gospels as holding a place of honor

in: 26

Gospels, formation of: 26

historical reductionism: 30-31

Holy Spirit as inspiring: 26-27, 31

inspiration in: 27-28, 31-32

as insufficient, authoritative

teaching as also needed: 30

interpreting: 28-33

authoritative interpretation as

entrusted to Magisterium: 28, 32

exegesis of: 27

literal sense: 29-30

the need to be attentive to what

God wanted to reveal for our

salvation: 27

spiritual senses: allegorical,

moral, and analogical: 28

unacceptable assumptions found

in some forms of scriptural

interpretation: 31

as united whole with Jesus as the

center: 27

literalism, Biblical: 29-30

literary forms employed: 27, 30,

55-56, 61

meditation, as aid for: 473-74

prayer, role in: 464, 473-74, 477-78

prayer, sources of: 478

reductionist readings, deficiencies

of: 30-31

as revealing relationship between

God and his people as a dialogue

of prayer: 464, 478

as revealing what God wants to

make known for the sake of our

salvation: 30, 61

Revelation, as transmitting: 18, 23,


“scripture scholars”: 27

senses of: 27-28,


and Tradition: 18, 30, 32, 39,

132, 332

truth, as teaching divine and

saving: 32

as united whole with Jesus as the

center: 27

as unity of Old and New

Testaments: 24, 32

veneration of: 24, 29, 32-33

the Word of God in: 23-28, 30, 32

see also Gospel; New Testament;

Old Testament





Baptismal: 138, 194-95, 198

in Confirmation: 103, 203, 205,

207, 210

of the Father placed upon the work

of his Son: 95

in Holy Orders: 269

the Holy Spirit as the: 107

sacramental seal of confession: 241

see also Sacramental character

Search for God:

3, 6-7, 109, 271-72,

464, 478

Second Vatican Council:


deepening the understanding of

doctrine: 22

discovering ways of teaching the

faith more effectively: 21-22

as influenced by its immediate past:


seeking unity within the Church: 22

using “medicine of mercy”: 22

see also

specific topics

Secular institutes:

see Evangelical counsels

Secularism; secular culture:

16, 43,

106, 344

challenges posed to the Church

by: 16

faith, response of: 43

modern society, influence in: 43

morality, effects on: 453-54

stewardship, effects on: 453

see also

specific topics,

e.g., Marriage