Catechism of the Catholic Church

426 Part Three 1709 He who believes in Christ becomes a son of God. This filial adoption transforms him by giving him the ability to follow the example of Christ. It makes him capable of acting rightly and doing good. In union with his Savior, the disciple attains the perfection of charity which is holiness. Having matured in grace, the moral life blossoms into eternal life in the glory of heaven. IN BRIEF 1710 “Christ . . . makes man fully manifest to man himself and brings to light his exalted vocation” ( GS 22 § 1). 1711 Endowed with a spiritual soul, with intellect and with free will, the human person is from his very concep- tion ordered to God and destined for eternal beatitude. He pursues his perfection in “seeking and loving what is true and good” ( GS 15 § 2). 1712 Inman, true freedom is an “outstandingmanifestation of the divine image” ( GS 17). 1713 Man is obliged to follow the moral law, which urges him “to do what is good and avoid what is evil” (cf. GS 16). This law makes itself heard in his conscience. 1714 Man, having been wounded in his nature by original sin, is subject to error and inclined to evil in exercising his freedom. 1715 He who believes in Christ has new life in the Holy Spirit. The moral life, increased and brought to matur­ ity in grace, is to reach its fulfillment in the glory of heaven. A rticle 2 OUR VOCATION TO BEATITUDE I. T he B eatitudes 1716 The Beatitudes are at the heart of Jesus’ preaching. They take up the promises made to the chosen people since Abraham. The Beatitudes fulfill the promises by ordering them no longer merely to the possession of a territory, but to the Kingdom of heaven: 1265 1050