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Index • 615

expressions of prayer: 473-74

grace before and after meals: 536

as grace-filled gift: 464, 478

guides for prayer: 472, 479

Hail Mary: 298-300, 470-71, 532

the Holy Spirit and: 462, 467-69,

472, 474, 478-79, 492

inseparable from Christian life: 475

intercession of the Virgin Mary:

145-48, 173, 293-94, 470-71

internalizing the liturgy both during

and after its celebration: 469

intersection of God’s call to us and

our desire for him: 464, 478

Jesus’ teaching about: 467, 481-95

leaders of prayer: 472, 479

Lectio Divina


Lectio Divina


liturgical prayer: 39, 257, 463-64,

473, 476

Liturgy of the Hours (see under

Liturgy: Liturgy of the Hours)

The Lord’s Prayer (see Lord’s Prayer)

meditation (see Meditation)

in the New Testament: 466-68

in the Old Testament: 464-66

in order to believe: 490-91

parents as first teachers of prayer:

472, 479

personal prayer: 465, 469, 473, 477

places for: 472, 479

as placing demands upon us:

476, 491

popular piety: 297-301, 473, 476

prayer groups: 297, 472

“Pray in order to believe; believe in

order to pray”: 491

Psalms: 465-66

raising of one’s heart and mind to

God: 463

requesting good things from God:

463, 478

as requiring humility, trust, and

perseverance: 475, 479

response of faith to the free promise

of salvation: 478

role of faith: 464-65, 469, 474, 476,


Rosary (see Rosary)

schools of spirituality: 472, 476

sources of prayer: 478

through Jesus Christ: 469, 478-79

time for: 461-63

training in prayer to be included in

religious education: 472

types of prayer: xxii, 467-68, 479

adoration: 467

intercession: 468

petition: 467-68

praise: 468

thanksgiving: 468

“unanswered”: 475

universal call to prayer: 463-64

vocal: 473


Apostolic: 25-26, 31, 203

the Church and: 130, 330

communicating the Gospel through:

24, 26

and encouraging adoration: 357

of Jesus: 79, 86, 114, 251, 296

Magisterium of Pastors in moral

matters as ordinarily done

through: 337

“Preach always. Sometimes use

words”: 117

see also Evangelization

Precepts of the Church:

318, 321, 334-



Preferential option for the poor:


423, 427, 449, 456


326, 399,


see also Discrimination


252, 255-57, 265-66, 273,



see also Priest/priesthood


of Christ: 79

in Anointing of the Sick: 250

in the Church: 113

in the liturgy: 99, 165-66, 173

in the lives of spouses: 286

in the ordained ministers: 265

in the poor: 427